Healer: Please sit down comfortably well. Bend
your head to the front slightly! Now gradually close your eyes! Be without
thoughts in mind for a few seconds!
please focus at your breathing in the nose and the uncomfortable sensation you
feel on the nose due to any of the above
diseases! If your thoughts about your children’s future, your job, friends
ect are about interrupting your focus, stop them and keep the focusing the
mind on the breathing continuously.
from the nose and watery mucus will be coming. Remove the mucus out of your
nose and keep it away in a cup. Nasal congestion and colds will decrease! Do the
MM-4 (Meditional Meditation) until nose becomes dry. Then a few seconds after
stopping the MM, slowly open your eyes..
Due to
non adoption of Aromani’s 11 Natural Princilples, the above diseases come.
Healer Aromani
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