Research Centre Drug less Hospital
Nos: 9442035291, 8754880126.
function in the body: At the time of Medicinal meditation (MM) for pain, let's
see how the mind works in the spiritual area. At that time, the top mind takes
a sense of pain; travels downward through stress; When traveling, the mind sends
out the pain and the stress out of it.
During traveling, the
reaction due to the actions between mind, pain and stress, heat is produced in
the body as a side effect and spread throughout the body. When the traveling of
the mind is in progress, the pain and stress is also decreasing. When the mind
is further downward, pain and stress are further reduced. When the mind finally
goes to the microscopic stage, you do not know what you are doing and where you
are. Outside events will not come to your attention. This experience may happen
to you once or twice during MM doing.
Healer R.A.Bharaman (Aromani)
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