Research Centre Drug less Hospital
Nos: 9442035291, 8754880126.
When the Medicinal Meditation of the concerned disease is
performed, the heat is generated by the activity of the mind. Due to the heat,
skin expands, pores of the sweating
expand and so the bad water that covers under the skin leaves as the sweating
through the opened pores.
The bad water with the mucous in the face, nose and head and the bad air we leave (carbon di oxide) is
sealed off by cooling; Due to the heat of the Medicinal Meditation, the bad water
with the mucous expand and increase its pressure. When the increased pressure
exceeds the pressure of the air outside of the nose, the large sneeze loudly passes through the
nose with water mucous. So sneeze does not appear due to germs.
Healer R.A.Bharaman (Aromani)
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